Do you ever wish you had all the stratgies already in your pocket to help your child through their emotionally charged moments?

Tell me this

Are you someone who uses any of these items when you are looking for parenting information?

  • Checks Dr. Google to understand and address certain behaviors

  • Listens to Parenting Podcasts

  • Follows Parenting Gurus on Instagram

  • Watches YouTube videos for tips and strategies

If so, you're in the right place my friend!

I want you to feel confident that you are responding in the best, most supportive way

I want you to feel calm and less triggered by the whining, arguing, and push back 

I want you to understand the best response for everything that gets throws your way!

& I don't want you searching all over the other platforms to hopefully find your answers!

Great, I now what?!

Enroll in the Strengthening Family Connections and Managing Misbehaviors Course

This course includes the best, researched based, strategies that have proven results. These strategies focus on making every moment TEACHABLE so your child learns how to do better and you understand why your child is reacting in the way that they are. The unique method within this course allows you choose the strategies that will work for your kiddos and implement them based on your family values. I will guide you through how your children's brain's work and provide ample solutions to decode your children's behavior and connect. Pretty cool, huh!

I want you to spend more time on the enjoyable thoughts than running through how you could have handled the interaction between yourself and child differently. No more parenting guilt!
 That is why I loaded this course with three main themes:
 1. Taking care of you (self care, decreasing stressors, and utilizing your partner or co-parent for support).
 2. Helping your child learn about their feelings, verbalize themselves, and assist in their regulation.
3. Tackling "misbehavior"- When your kiddo doesn't respond or act in a way that works within your family, you'll learn how to actually respond in a way that makes it teachable. 

The best part is that you will have the most effective tools in your pocket so you don't have to Google it and spend time searching around. You'll already know because you have the foundations and interventions in your pocket from taking this course

Don't spend another day waiting to see if "the thing will pass" because even if that one does, we all know our kiddos will throw us a curve ball soon enough!

Course curriculum

Check out all the modules below

  • 1


    • Intro and how to

  • 2

    All about you

    • Body and environment scan

    • [WATCH IN ACTION] body scan

    • Self care

  • 3

    Behavior is communication

    • Understanding the meaning

    • Summarize and validate

    • Regulation

  • 4

    Reinforcing positive behaviors

    • Benefits

    • Catch them being good

    • Repair

    • Responsibility chart

    • Do over

    • Be playful!

    • Ways to respond to children in a more positive and affirming way (cheat sheet!)

  • 5

    Power struggles

  • 6


    • Valuable part of behavioral modification

    • Implementation

    • Choosing the right consequence

    • Time out and time in (what's the difference?)

    • Time out

    • Time in

    • Giving clear instructions

    • [WATCH IN ACTION] giving clear instructions

  • 7

    Wrap up

    • Congratulations, you did it!

    • Printables

    • Testimonial

As a parent, I know that you do ALL OF THE THINGS for your children.

Anytime something comes up with your kiddos, you look for answers. You watch YouTube videos for tips and strategies, read parenting blogs in search of answers and understanding, listen to parenting podcasts, chat with friends/family/other professionals- I wanted to share that I see you. I see how hard you work to help your children through their challenging behaviors. I see how much you work to be a calm and gentle parent. I also see how hard it is to tackle all of it and be spread thin.

I want to make your job as a parent easier. Starting today.

That is why I'm sharing my Signature Parenting Course with YOU!
Strengthening Family Connections and Managing Misbehavior.
This jam packed online course will give you the tools to understand what your children's behaviors are communicating and how to navigate tough behaviors BEFORE the interaction occurs.
So you can focus on getting back to the fun and enjoyable moments instead of spending sooo much time searching for answers AFTER the fact.


"Game changer"

by Molly

"I am beyond grateful I found this course. The wealth of knowledge has helped me understand my children more. Thank you!"

"Great course"

by Deanna

"The clear and straight forward strategies made it soo easy to start today and build upon each other. "


by Allie

"We went from CONSTANT meltdowns and arguing to almost none!! My son now responds when I ask him to do something and I feel less stressed knowing it wont always end in tears. "

"Stronger together"

by Rachel

"This course helped my husband and I be a united front. I love that it emphasizes having your partner take it with you. "

My Miracle Question

If you woke up tomorrow and your biggest parenting struggle was gone, what would that be like for you? For your children? How would your day be different and better? This course is the ultimate game changer for every household and will help you along the path to reaching your goal. It is 100% possible to be the caregiver that you strive to be, have children who have tool boxes of strategies to verbalize their emotions and follow your instructions. It is attainable to utilize the learned strategies taught in this course to manage misbehavior and truly create a strong household and family. After the course completion, you will be equipped to firmly and lovingly guide your children through any behavioral challenge and make each moment teachable. This will help raise competent and emotionally intelligent children while strengthening your family's relationship.

Become the confident leader within your home

If you have the slightest bit of excitement and hope about creating a happy and predictable home, enroll today!